AMB Entertainment

Parents Night Out Events

The Parents Night Out Events are a great way of enabling parents to go out and do some fun activities in the evening without their kids.


As a parent, I know how important it is to have time away from the kids. Me-time becomes a treasure once we have children. The parents can leave their children with us and go out on a romantic dinner, movies or catch up with friends. With us, the children are in good hands and they can have fun with kids of the same age.

We always have fun age appropriate activities lined up for the children. Snacks and Dinner are also provided. What a wonderful idea of a fun night for both parents and kids!

Evening Activities may include

  • Children’s Disco (with Children’s Songs)
  • Movie Nights
  • Different Games
  • Crafting
  • Free-play

This service forms part of our special events that are organized occasionally on specific weekends. Bookings for children have to be made well in advance.